Pilates helps people suffering from MS


The Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada with input from both experts and patients, has developed a “wellness toolbox” with strategies to help multiple sclerosis (MS) patients cope with their disease. It will come as no surprise to Pilates

Pilates helps people suffering from MS2020-05-11T11:49:17+01:00

Pilates and mental health


As we approach World Alzheimer's Month in September, the obvious choice for my blog this week is Pilates and Mental Health. If you have read my blog before you will know that I feel very

Pilates and mental health2020-05-11T11:49:17+01:00

Meditation helps lower back pain


Yes you read that correctly, meditation helps lower back pain. This is a heading that some will find surprising, but to some of us it is absolutely no surprise at all. Pain management is a

Meditation helps lower back pain2020-05-11T11:49:18+01:00

Pilates EVO: Pilates e PNL


Pilates EVO: Pilates e PNL (Programa Neurolinguístico): como se tornar um melhor instrutor de Pilates. O Programa Neurolinguístico (PNL) é uma abordagem em comunicação, desenvolvimento pessoal, e psicoterapia. Há uma conexão entre processos neurológicos, linguagem

Pilates EVO: Pilates e PNL2020-05-11T11:49:18+01:00

Corpo e mente são vias de mão única


Corpo e mente são vias de mão única. Neste artigo quero falar sobre o ligação entre nossa mente e corpo. Sempre tive muito interesse nesse assunto e meu interesse aumentou quando meu pai faleceu devido

Corpo e mente são vias de mão única2020-05-11T11:49:19+01:00

PilatesEVO and NLP Representational Systems


This article will give you a basic understanding of PilatesEVO and NLP Representational Systems. There are many aspects of NLP that we teach during PilatesEVO educations, both online and in our educations around the world. For

PilatesEVO and NLP Representational Systems2020-05-11T11:49:19+01:00

PilatesEVO and NLP


The connection between PilatesEVO and NLP is a very important part of the PilatesEVO system. Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is an approach to communication, personal development, and psychotherapy. There is a connection between the neurological processes,

PilatesEVO and NLP2020-05-11T11:49:19+01:00

Meditation Myths Explained


Meditation is surrounded by a lot of stories and misconceptions. Because of this, I wrote this article Meditation Myths Explained because I do not want anyone to miss out on the enormous benefits of meditation

Meditation Myths Explained2020-05-11T11:49:20+01:00
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