For over two years, Chris has been planning and working on this project, My Pilates Mentor. Chris explains “first things first, it is important to me that you know that I am not writing this book because I think I am better than you. In fact, I am writing it because I know I am not. I know that there are thousands of amazing ideas out there that I will never think of, and I decided that it was time to ask the family of Pilates teachers to come together to create a book that will serve as not only a great reference book for teachers and all lovers of Pilates, but it will also make them smile and realise that the wonderful Pilates community is like no other.

Any book takes a lot of time, sweat and tears to produce. You don’t write books to make money; there are much easier ways that take a lot less time and sleepless nights. This is more a labour of love, so I hope that you feel that on every page. And please remember that 50% of any profits from this book will go to the Pilates Carnival Charity Partners and to Save the Children”.

My Pilates Mentor

It’s more than just a book. It’s a community project.

What this book aims to be:

• A resource for Pilates teachers and all people who love Pilates to quickly understand the opinions of thousands of Pilates teachers and to gain their years of experience on a number of topics in a few hours of reading.
• An interesting and fun expose on the world of Pilates teaching.
• Focused on both mat and machine Pilates to make sure that we can appeal to everyone who loves Pilates as much as we do.

What this book is not:

• It is not an anatomical guide – there are already many wonderful books dedicated to the anatomy of Pilates.
• It is not judging one of the many Pilates schools over another, so there will be no mention of any schools in this book other than under each teacher’s qualification details if they chose to have their name mentioned.

• It is not a technical guide as to how to do exercises, again there are plenty of those about.

Why should you decide to join this community project by contributing?

• You will be contributing to the Pilates community.
• You will be helping to introduce people to Pilates.
• You will be raising the profile of Pilates
• If we use one of your answers or a quote from you in the book (we will always seek your permission first), then we will give you a name credit within the book.
• At the end of the book, there will also be a list of all of the contributors who want their details published.
• You will be helping to create a geographic study of different trends and opinions.
• We will pay 50 percent of any profits to Pilates Carnival Charity Partners and to

Pilates Carnival

A new concept in Pilates Conventions; affordable, non-pretentious, friendly, and ALL profits go to charity. Interested? Then please read more.