This article will give you a basic understanding of PilatesEVO and NLP Representational Systems.
There are many aspects of NLP that we teach during PilatesEVO educations, both online and in our educations around the world. For this article we want to give you an overview on Representational Systems. This is just one part of NLP, but it is very important as when we can understand how we and other people learn, it can have a dramatic effect on how we communicate. This is a really simple principle but it is incredibly powerful for you in your everyday life, and if you are a teacher dealing with your clients.
We have all experienced meeting someone who we either “clicked” with straight away, or who we just did not feel comfortable with. This can happen at work, in a bar, and crucially during an exercise session. We have all heard people leaving fitness classes many times say things like “I just didn’t get that” or “I could not connect with the teacher”. These people will have no conscious awareness why they have such feelings, but by reading this article you will begin to gain conscious awareness and know one of the reasons why. This knowledge is very powerful and it can transform your own communication, and how successful you are.
PilatesEVO and NLP Representational Systems: Classification of Representational Systems
We process information in four distinct ways; Visual, Auditory, Kinaesthetic and Auditory digital. These are ways we represent the world through our five senses and how we typically communicate them back to the world. When information reaches our brains, it is given meaning and forms a subjective experience of the world. This is our representation otherwise known as our perception. Although we use all of the representational systems, we tend to have a preference.
So what are the four types?
Visual Representation System
Visual people memorise by seeing pictures, so they find it difficult to remember verbal instructions because their minds tend to wander. They are less distracted by noise and they use visual phrases.
Auditory Representational System
People who are predominantly auditory memorise things in steps or sequence and like to be told things and hear feedback in conversations. They tend to use auditory phrases and are interested in what you have to say. They can be excellent listeners and enjoy music and spoken voice.
Kinaesthetic Representational System
Kinaesthetic people process things that are said to them to determine the feelings they get. They respond well to touch and physical rewards. They are interested in how you feel and memorise by walking through the process or by doing it.
Auditory Digital Representational System
Auditory digital people talk to themselves a lot and like to make sense of things and understand them. They place a high value on logic and also like detail.
Simple PilatesEVO Representational Test
There is a simple test you can do at home that will give you an idea as to which systems you prefer. Just email the PilatesEVO team on and we will send you the test to try. You can also give this test to your friends, family and clients. The results will make you realise why you are attracted to certain people and things. This is a very powerful thing to know.
You will probably see that you are a mixture of systems, but with one or two dominant ones. Statistics suggest that in a developed country, people are predominantly 60% Visual, 20% Auditory and 20% Kinaesthetic. This explains why pictures on Facebook adverts get higher response rates than only words can ever do. So it is worth remembering this when creating marketing or advertising material, or posting on social media.
The representational system that we use predominantly is our own special language of our experience and it embraces all the mental processes of thinking, remembering, imagination, perception and consciousness. By understanding these more clearly, it allows us to communicate better with ourselves and others and control the way we interpret things. So once you understand more about how you represent things to yourself, you can improve your learning and your teaching by focusing on your favourite method and developing the other methods.
How to use the Representational Systems
So if you only communicate mostly using visual or auditory methods as many people do, it will now be no surprise to you why some people do not respond to your requests or your teaching, as this may well be because they prefer the other systems that you are not using.
Of course there are many other considerations when dealing with representational systems, and these are dealt with in much greater detail during our PilatesEVO NLP Courses. But even with this basic knowledge you can begin to think about how you communicate, and the link between PilatesEVO and NLP Representational Systems .
PilatesEVO was one of the pioneers of the use of NLP in wellness and fitness over 15 years ago. During your studies with us, you will learn many techniques that will help you become a better communicator, parent, partner, manager, employer, employee and teacher.
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